Con Ken mis conversaciones por email pueden comenzar así: “That hot green topping I had for lunch: ají pebre?”
Después sigo diciendo: maybe, yes, I think so... Hey, I wanted to ask u a question
Ken: Ask away.
me: would you be willing to participate in a documentary? or at least an attempt? would you give me an interview? on camera?
Ken: Sounds interesting. Go on.
me: just talking about yourself, how would you describe yourself and things like that…
Ken: Will this be about people moving to Miami? Yeah, I could do that.
me: yes, about People moving to Miami...
ok. Great. Thanks.
(Me inspiró a escribir
el ad de craigslists…). Pero esa es otra historia, está basada en un ad que ví de un tipo en The Best of craigslists.)
Ken es interesante. Tiene cosas que contar. Sobre sexualidad, además.
Estén pendientes. Me he vuelto una publicista. Horror.Lloro. Lloror.